thanks both for your replies already.
I used
pyposeidon which is a framework that englobes:
- meshing (via GMSH/JIGSAW/oceanmesh)
- modeling (SCHISM/TELEMAC)
- and post-processing (matplotlib/mayavi/holoviews)
I presented it at the last SciCo.
I am working actively on a
repo that enables people to reproduce the same mesh.
I'd still have to add the scripts and the folders for the meshes I added on the drive, but in theory you should be able to mesh the versions that are already there (50, 30, 6 and 3km).
For more context, we try with my team to compare results in order to tackle the infinite number of problematics when you go global:
- compare our results on TELEMAC and SCHISM (in 2D and soon I hope in 3D) with NOAA's STOFS2D results
- compare wind sources (ECMWF vs GFS)
- more in-situ data sources (we use
searvey which combines IOC / COOPS / USGS, soon wave buoy data from NDBC too)