Hello Chi-Tuan,
thank you very much for your message.
The mesh has been generated by SMS. The format SMS is using for a mesh is *.2dm which can be imported by BlueKenue in order to transform it into a *.slf format.
The element 32939 seems to be a normal tria element according to a visual check in SMS and in BlueKenue (slf File).
Possibly, the problem came up due to the numbering of the nodes. Usually, SMS numbers the nodes either with the option "front width" or "band width". Both has nothing to do with counter-clock wise numbering. However, SMS can be forced to number the boundary nodes (and only the boundary nodes) counter-clock wise by using a nodestring which runs along all boundary nodes. Apart from that all other nodes numbered according to the usual way in SMS. The option for numbering in SMS is probably not that what is appropiate for a proper slf file, although it has worked in past with other meshes.
Now in the meantime, I gave up to go the direct way (importing 2dm mesh and creating slf file via BlueKenue). It works easier to export only the nodes as XYZ values from SMS and applying the triangulation option in BlueKenue.
Thank you again for your help which was very useful and directed me faster to a solution.
Best regards