You do not need to have Intel Fortran, just one Fortran compiler. Because of the large number of users of the Intel Frotran compiler, we are maintaining makefiles for this one but you can also use the g95 (gnu fortran 95 for windows). We are also maintaining the makefiles for this one too.
Makefiles for the intel fortran have the .wnt extension. Makefiles for the g95 have the .gfo extensions. Makefiles are within each source directory. You can switch TELEMAc to the configuration with g95, by modifying your \config\systel.ini file:
(instead of HOSTTYPE=win)
Do not forget to type cfgmak (in a DOS command windows) after you have saved your systel.ini file. Please also check, within the [95] area that your LIBS_MPI="<TELEMAC_HOME>\mpi\<DIRLIB>\lib\mpich.lib" is correct (where <TELEMAC_HOME> takes the value of PROJECT=.......
Note that we are soon to provide you with an option without makefiles (but you will still need a fortran compiler).
Hope this helps.