Hi All,
Actually... A description of the Interpolator2D never made it into the manual, sorry. The good news though is that it has been covered numerous times in this forum.
(Search is your friend)
The Blue Kenue tutorial by Baxter also does a good job of describing the Interpolator2D object.
On the Blue Kenue Tools menu there is a "Map Object" function. In principal this
function is used to map data values from one object to any other object.
In practice, mapping between some objects doesn't make sense and for others support isn't yet implemented but most common mappings are available. So you can directly map data from a mesh to a pointset (for example) to extract point values of some quantity. Or if you map from a rectangular grid or triangle mesh to a lineset you will end up with cross section data.
This Map Object function is covered in the manual in section 1.6.8 page 113
The Interpolator 2D object provides a "virtual surface" for such mapping.
Here is a step by step procedure on its use
1. File->New->2D Interpolator…
2. In the workspace drag any number of pointsets, 2D or 3D linesets onto
the Interpolator object.
3. Open the properties dialog for the interpolator
4. Choose the interpolation method (Linear, Inverse Distance or Nearest Neighbour)
5. Optionally supply a closed polygon to constrain the interpolation. (spatial contraint)
6. Optionally suppy a Max Search Distance to contrain the interpolator.
7. Select your mesh in the WorkSpace to make it the current object.
8. “Tools->Map Object…” and select the Interpolator object as the source
data when prompted.
This MapObject function is generic, so you can use it to map any values
to a mesh (roughness, sediment grain size, whatever...)
Hope this helps.
Cheers... Martin