Because I have been working on line sets quite a bit in the past weeks (see post
#45751) I've realized that I can "easily" provide a new feature when resampling line sets.
In particular, when changing from one resampling method to another, the next Blue Kenue installer after 13 Dec 2024, will no longer use 1 as the default value for the 4 resampling methods. Instead, each method will have its own pre-computed default as per the following:
- Maximum Distance resampling: the default delta will now be the current maximum interpoint spacing across ALL lines in the line set
- Equal Distance resampling: the default delta will now be the current mean interpoint spacing across ALL lines in the line set
- Segment Count resampling: the default count will now be the current mean segment count across ALL lines in the line set
- Segment Splitting resampling: the default distance will now be the current minimum interpoint spacing across ALL lines in the line set
Hope that helps to inform your use of these resampling methods.
Kindly... Alan