Hello everyone
I'm building a mesh on Blue Kenue with a submesh I extracted from another larger model (which works without any problem).
When I tried to open the selafin file with FUDAA, I got this message ""Erreur génération frontière : le point indice X n'a pas de voisin" (boundary issue : node X has no neighbour). Looking for node X back in BK, I realized it was inside the submesh.
I got this message a few times in a row, the node being every time inside the submesh. Sometimes there were meshes crossing each other (with one being from the submesh), sometimes there were duplicate points (even if I had deleted all unused nodes before generating the selafin), and most puzzling, sometimes I don't see any issue (if I delete the node, all elements attached disappear and there's no duplicate node).
So I was wondering :
1/ why is BK modifying the geometry of the submesh and how to prevent it ?
2/ Is there a way, either in BK or Fudaa, to get a list of all points leading to this very kind of error, instead of having to go back to BK, fix the point, generate a new selafin file, going back to Fudaa to open it, only to get the same message for another point and so on...
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Best regards