Is it possible to add a local projection to Bluekenue? I'd like to do some PSed modelling but the model won't run without a grid projection.
I'm from New Zealand so most of the estuary and river modelling is done to local projections because WGS, lat/long projections gives a distorted appearance.
Most commonly used projections used are Transverse Mercator projection and are based on the NZGD2000 datum such as NZTM:
Name: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000
Abbreviation: NZTM2000
Projection type: Transverse Mercator
Reference ellipsoid: GRS80
Datum: NZGD2000
Origin latitude: 0° 00' 00" South
Origin longitude / central meridan: 173° 00' 00" East
False Northing: 10,000,000 metres North
False Easting: 1,600,000 metres East
Central meridian scale factor: 0.9996