I have been troubled (for some time - look post
#12023) between the definition of <wdir> argument between 'normal' and 'hpc' runs.
In a 'normal' run, <wdir> points to the working directory but in 'hpc' runs <wdir> points to the directory where the cas file is. In particular, in 'stydy.py\fill_hpc_stdin' <wdir> points to self.case_dir. Few lines below in 'run_hpc_full', <wdir> points to self.working_dir.
Although I can understand that this serves some scheduler requirements, I strongly believe that argument <wdir> should be universal and consistently point to the working directory that we all know and understand.
May I suggest the addition of an additional argument named <cdir> (for case directory) that anyone can use if explicitly needed?
Best Regards,