Hello! I have noticed that doxygen is broken and has been for some time. Would it be possible to remove DOXY DOCS from the header if there are no plans to update it? There is another link to doxygen on Home -> 3-Develop.
While I'm complaining ...
It's worth noting that searching "telemac manual" on Google (as many are likely to do) leads users to outdated manuals (v7p0 or older), absolutely nothing on the front page for v8p0 or newer. It might be worth redirecting these URLs to the updated documentation and reducing the number of links to the old documentation, as anyone who needs the old documentation likely knows where it is anyway.
I'd also suggest considering changing "WIKI" to "DOCUMENTATION", or even adding a "MANUALS" that links directly to the latest documentation next to the "WIKI", in the header. This way, users have even less of an excuse that they didn't have the documentation
I'm sure this is not very high on the priority list, but if anyone on the website committee has some time to spare, it would be a good thing to clean up, if nothing else but to reduce the barrier to entry for new openTELEMAC users who are not sure how to access the newest documentation.
Kind regards,
André Renault