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TOPIC: Sisyphe run!

Sisyphe run! 8 years 11 months ago #20039

  • Dip. Ing. Rima
  • Dip. Ing. Rima's Avatar

I would like to run a simulation with Sisyphe. I have some questions for it :(

1- with which program can i prepare the Boundary Condition file (.cli) for SISYPHE? in BlueKenue?
2- "LAW OF BOTTOM FRICTION" for Telemac and Sisyphe must be the same?
3- I'll simulate morphodynamics for a channel. The channel has a trapezoidal profile with movable bed only in the main channel and hard sole in embankments.

how can I simullieren the movable sole in 3 layers but only on the middle part of the channel?

Thank you very much
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Sisyphe run! 8 years 11 months ago #20056

  • jmhervouet
  • jmhervouet's Avatar

1) You can edit this file, you just need to know where are the points in the mesh. The last number in tghe list is the boundary point numbern the last but one number is the global number in the mesh.

2)This is better, to understand what we do, though you can probably have different laws since Telemac send the bottom stress to Sisyphe. Of course the laws must be the same if Sisyphe has to compute the friction coefficient for Telemac.

3)The non erodible bed is programmed in subroutine noerod.f

With best regards,

Jean-Michel Hervouet
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Sisyphe run! 8 years 11 months ago #20078

  • Dip. Ing. Rima
  • Dip. Ing. Rima's Avatar
Thank you Jean-Michel for supporting. how can I write this subroutine.
Is there somewhere an explanation for this subroutine "noerod.f"?

With best regards,
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Sisyphe run! 8 years 11 months ago #20082

  • jmhervouet
  • jmhervouet's Avatar

This subroutine is in the sources of library sisyphe.f, the dafault coding is that we put a layer of 100 m of sediment everywhere. If you can find a simple definition of where you have non erodible bed, depending on the coordinates for example, or on the initial depth, it will be easy to write a few Fortran lines to do it. If the shape is very complex you can also think of building a variable with Blue Kenue, that will be added to the geometry file, and then with version 7.1 we can easily read it and use it in noerod.f.
More generally you can refer to the guide available on this website : "guide for programming in the Telemac system".

With best regards,

Jean-Michel Hervouet
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