Dear Riadh,
thank you very much for your careful and plausible explanation of the possible cause of the problem. Fell free to disagree with me, I am happy with it and I would be also vary satisfied to discover that the problem is not connected with upwind/downwind treatment in a principle algorithm. (And anyway, I am definitely not a fan of morpho-logo-dynamics!)
Yes, some devilish manipulation of the friction terms in the shallow areas depending on the water depth could be also a very plausible explanation for some upwind/downwind debalance in the bed load transport in this case! Or, any other case which results in a huge and unnatural differences in stresses driving the bed load.
I have checked in the users parameter file for the friction, this is Nikuradse, in friction_calc.f, but it is rudimentarily secured against bad values (see AUX):
! NOTE: 11.036 IS 30.D0/EXP(1.D0)
CF%R(I) = 2.D0 / (LOG(AUX)/KARMAN)**2
I know implementations in which below some (user-given) small depth the hugely steep Nikuradse is replaced by a linear function and it is secured that even by depth=0 there is some friction. How it works with the bed load physics... no idea. See Delft-3D manual for example, they simply assume the beginning of the logarothmic velocity profile is a few z_0's below the bottom.
Yes, the user (it is not me, I have a whole group hiding shyly behind my back) has been recommended to stabilise the hydrodynamics -- there is quite a lot of Telemac-2D Parkinson-like shivers of the free surface and an advection scheme for tracers (14) is applied for the momentum, etc. And, of course, a massive refinement and lowering of the time step is required.
According to the "finite volume kernel" I would say we deal here with a lowland rivers confluence, but agreed, with a very ambitious setting of the problem, and Froude numbers swiching from subcritical to well over one above the sand bank. Please note this is one of these 2D-models calibrated over very variable discharges/waterlevels with the "small roughness -- huge Elder dispersion technology"... Nothing good for hyperbolic Godunov/Riemann/etc.
What roughness coefficient / roughness treatment would you recommend for this case? My experience for shallow areas says Manning, but then we have a very, very different calibration... Any other hints for your stress-debalance-theory?
Best regards,