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TOPIC: Creating a mesh with fixed outline geometry

Creating a mesh with fixed outline geometry 9 years 8 months ago #17034

  • Serrer
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Sorry for the late reply but I'm retired now...

By supplying all nodes as hard points as well as all outline nodes you are over constraining the mesher. In addition, the non-zero values of your hard points are supplying additional density information that conflicts. On top of that your hard points also contain the outline points. All this guarantees that some strange elements are going to be produced. Hence the problems with the conlim generator.

If you are just trying to generate a selafin file of the same mesh as you used in CGWave, there is no need to use the mesher.You can import the CGWave mesh into Blue Kenue directly. Try "File->Import->SMS 2DM Mesh".

Hope this helps... Martin
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Creating a mesh with fixed outline geometry 9 years 8 months ago #17036

  • vknook
  • vknook's Avatar
no worries about that! That seems like logical reasoning. In the end we were able to simply do a triangulation but will definitely remember the other option as well.

Enjoy your retirement!
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Creating a mesh with fixed outline geometry 7 years 1 week ago #28809

  • shailesh22
  • shailesh22's Avatar
thank you sir, for your explanation. I'm using BK for mesh generation for storm surge studies.I have a doubt regarding the mesh generation process, BK uses advancing front method to generate the mesh, but will it have any paving density option to generate the mesh with wanted resolution?
In the mesh generation process itself, will BK use bathymetry? if not, do we need to interpolate bathymetry to the mesh?
If I want to specify minimum and maximum resolution for the mesh, how to achieve minimum and maximum resolution?
baxter tutorial is for river flood inundation study, is there any tutorial for storm surge inundation study?
how hard points function in the process of mesh generation?
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