Hello Tom,
If you use a LIQUID BOUNDARY FILE and want to compute tidal boundary conditions for tide, you have to give something to the liquid boundaries with prescribed elevations before the computation of tidal boundary conditions, even dummy. You can write for example PRESCRIBED ELEVATIONS = 0.;0.;0. and it should work.
Another solution which is much less convenient is to fill in SL(1) and SL(3) with dummy values. FYI, if not prescribing flowrates for boundaries #1 and 3, you dot not need to fill in the LIQUID BOUNDARY FILE with their valuers, only Q(2) is mandatory as you prescribe flowrates.
Maybe you should read the TELEMAC-2D user manual available:
- in $HOMETEL/documentation/telemac2d/user with the pdf file (if you use a tagged version, otherwise compile the documentations),
- or on wiki.opentelemac.org/doku.php?id=documentation_v8p1r1
For the T2D user manual, please read the latest one available in v8p1r1, it was updated a few months ago.
Hope this helps,