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TOPIC: Error In free surface and speed results.

Error In free surface and speed results. 11 years 9 months ago #8331

  • Flo64
  • Flo64's Avatar

I analyse the results of my simulation which are bad. In my liquid boundary file, my speed is between 0 and 1.5 m/s but in my results, it is between 0 and 0.001 m/s. It's the same thing for the elevation.

In my simulation , i define a liquid boundary file in which i have a variation of 3 variables: H, U, V with a hourly time step. I run the simulation and i can see that it reads the file but only the header.
I my fortran file, i change the bord.f, the SL.f and the vit.f subroutines but i suppose that the read of the values and their interpolation are wrong.
Can you see my fortran file and my liquid boundary file and say me where is the problem, please??

Thanks in advance

File Attachment:

File Name: Simu_avril.f
File Size: 36 KB
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Error In free surface and speed results. 11 years 9 months ago #8333

  • c.coulet
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Your fortran is wrong!
All the call to SL and VIT are made with I which is the Liquid Bioundary number.
You should call it with the node number

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Error In free surface and speed results. 11 years 9 months ago #8350

  • Flo64
  • Flo64's Avatar
Hi Christophe,

Thanks to have seen my fortran file.
I changed different lines in the SL and vit subroutines where i replaced the I by N or K.
Must i change the 'I' in OK(I)? and in FMT='(I1)'?

When i run my simulation, the model can read my liquid boundary file and re-write it in T2DIMP but i don't see the header of this file and the interpolation in my interface of simulation.
Is this normal?

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Error In free surface and speed results. 11 years 9 months ago #8351

  • gourish
  • gourish's Avatar
Hi Florian,

I think your problem is similar to which I had earlier, where a different values is imposed to each boundary node.
I had posted a similar case earlier, you may have a look the fortran file
and check as whether it may help.

The liquid boundary file is at

I have also a modified fortran file to read velocities as well, which is similar to reading elevation as given in the program rilref.f
Let me know if you may require the program for reading of velocities, so that I may post it here.

However please do the changes in the fortran program as mention in post

With Best regards,
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Error In free surface and speed results. 11 years 9 months ago #8355

  • Flo64
  • Flo64's Avatar

Thanks for your help.
My boundary file has this format:

One line with the type of variables with the node number
T SL(1) SL(23) SL(50)… SL(34) U(1) U(23) U(50)…. U(34) V(1) V(23) V(50)….V(34)
One line with the units
s m m m m m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s
Then the values

I made a lot of tests. I saw that my liquid boundary file is copied in the temporary file but the model doesn't read.

In rilref.f, you work with the Q variable. Must I put it the sl.f and vit.f to read the velocity and the elevation ?

Thank you very much
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Error In free surface and speed results. 11 years 9 months ago #8357

  • gourish
  • gourish's Avatar
Dear Florian,

In order to read elevation and velocities, I had created two separate files for each data set. In the particular case I was working with some modification with the Q function as per the availability of water at intake. In your case may be Q may not be required so you may omit the Q function.
Also the Q values are read from the liquid boundary file, and not from the external which which I am creating.

I am attaching another case where I have read the elevation, and velocities.
The format for elevation is
#First Header
#Second Header
node#1, node#2..... node#n
T S(1) S(2) ..... S(N)

Similarly for velocities it is
#First Header
#Second Header
node#1, node#2..... node#n
T Vel(1) Mag(1) Vel(2) Mag(2) ..... Vel(N) Mag(N)

The first two headers are skipped by the programs.
In my case you may see that the velocity file is having velocity and magnitude, in which for you case you will have to modify to read u and v directly. In the program I am calculating the components again, but in yours you may need not calculate.

also in the steering file you will have to mention the following
this is for my case where I had two boundaries, first is the discharge boundary and the second is the open boundary where I am imposing tide and velocities.

You may also modify the program to read data from the single file (.i.e S, U and V), in which case you will have to add an offset which refers to the length of the boundary points. I have use the HASH concept, where the random indexing to boundary point value is used.

There is no need to put sl.f and vit.f subroutine as the function bord.f read the required data values.

You may try running my case and see how it works

File Attachment:

File Name: CASEWITH_UV_EL_2013-04-23.zip
File Size: 955 KB

Hope so this will help

With Best Regards,
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Error In free surface and speed results. 11 years 9 months ago #8361

  • Flo64
  • Flo64's Avatar

I try to use all your indications. I'm not good to manipulate the fortran file. I changed different think and i have this error:



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Error In free surface and speed results. 11 years 9 months ago #8365

  • Flo64
  • Flo64's Avatar

In your elevation file or your velocities file, the variables N is the number of the node or the index?

I don't arrive to put the offset also i try to create 2 different files for the velocities and the elevation

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Error In free surface and speed results. 11 years 9 months ago #8367

  • gourish
  • gourish's Avatar
Hi Florian,

The number N in the variable is the node number.
The program reads the data with respect to the node number.

If the node number corresponding to the boundary node is not found then, it gives the particular error which you stated earlier.

With Best Regards,
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