Hello Fay,
Ac ouple of ideas ...
First, you need to split your file via domain decomposition. The easiest way to do that is to let TELEMAC do it. To do this you need to change your DICO file for that keyword:
Second (and to do what is above, you would need your atmospheric file defined on the same mesh as the GEO file, i.e. FNPOIN = NPOIN, with the same numbering.
Third, when you read a BINARY record from a file, you need to provide the size of what you read.
This works:
READ(T2DBI1,ERR=100,END=200) AT1
But this does not work:
Instead you need:
READ(T2DBI1,ERR=100,END=200) ( UAIR1(J),J=1,NPOIN )
Finally, for information, this feature (and other binary boundary and sponge files) have been implemented in a branch for the 3D and will eventually be merged with the trunk in a couple of months -- branch pajama if you are interested (although it is not fully deployed for the 2D yet).
Hope this helps,