I am trying to perform a short simulation only to test the convergence of my mesh. (Created with Blue Kenue).
The problem is that even after more than 30 tests, all with different meshes, it keeps "Blowing up". The results show values of Free Surface oscillating quickly and then becoming Infinity or NaN.
What it looks like is that the number of iterations for the tracers (Salinity and Temperature) is exceeding the limit (5000) without reaching the minimum relative precision (1E-6).
Every time my simulation would blow up I looked at the results and modified the refinement of the mesh in the region where the problem started in order to make the elements more isosceles-like. But this just seems to move the starting point of the error to another location.
I'm attaching the latest version of my mesh including the necessary files to run the simulation.
My questions are:
What are the basic criteria that a triangular grids in general MUST fulfill in order to make TELEMAC3D run without major issues?
What is making TELEMAC3D return bad values for my mesh, specifically?
Thanks in advance ^-^