Gmsh is a powerful program to generate unstructured grids in a rather flexible way. As an example, I enclosed a picture of a mesh of the Belgian coast and the mouth of the Scheldt estuary, with mesh size depending on the distance to the coastline and the bathymetry.
Its main drawback for TELEMAC users is that it cannot export grids into SLF mesh files or generate CLI boundary condition files.
That is why we implemented a Matlab package at Flanders Hydraulics Research (Antwerp, Belgium) whose main purpose is to load information from Gmsh grid and save it into SLF and CLI files. It can also been used to generate the domain contours from different types of database, to interpolate bathymetry information on the grid and save it in the SLF file, to display the grid on Google Earth, ...
A first version of the package may be downloaded on my personal website
We hope it can be useful for others and we are very interested in any feedback or suggestion from you for future developments.