many thanks for your quick answer, Fabien Decung!
I managed to get a version of (Paraview 10.10.1 ) installed which seems to work fine, even the Serafin File reader appears, but when reading the data Paraview still crashes. As it says
Serafin File reader and I am trying to load
Selafin Files I am wondering if those two are actually the same!?
Does the Serafin Plugin need any other Plugins to be installed in order to work properly? In tools -> manage plugins I found that many other plugins all starting with lib (e.g. libXdmf, libvtkzlib etc) show an error symbol and say "Not a ParaView Plugin since could not locate the plugin-verification function".
Any other ideas what might have gone wrong or what else to try?
(I do have two so-Files to do with Telemac installed: libSerafinServerPlugin.so and libSerafinClientPlugin.so. I have the PV_PLUGIN_PATH exported now, and the SerafinClientPlugin and the SerafinServerPlugin loaded. )
As a reference to anyone also trying to install paraview with the plugin I attach my experience:
As you had suspected, I hadn't exported the PV_PLUGIN_PATH variable so that is why the Telemac data loader was not seen. Having exported the variable the data loader would still not work though.
Therefore I started from scratch again, following your suggestion to first install the official binary release of paraview and then downloading the sources.
Thereby I found out that even with the official binary release (3.14.1 on Ubuntu 12.04) loading stl Data files wouldn't work for me. Even creating a simple box in Paraview, exporting it as an stl (ascii) and reloading it would cause the program to crash. With paraview 3.10.1 data loading was fine so I am now using 3.10.1 sources for the installation.
On the
paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView:Build_And_Install I had found a list of packages that should be installed in order to build ParaView and installed them all:
libphonon-dev libphonon4 qt4-dev-tools libqt4-core libqt4-gui qt4-qmake libxt-dev g++ gcc cmake-curses-gui libqt4-opengl-dev mesa-common-dev
With Python: python-dev
At 7% of the making an error occured in
/opt/VTK/Utilities/vtkmetaio/metaUtils.cxx (I didn't write it down, but it was sth to do with ptrdiff_t). Comparing the file to the ulimate sourccode on vtk.org I found that a line
#include <stddef.h> was missing. Including this line made the installation ran through.
After setting the PV_PLUGIN_PATH variable and loading the Plugins from tools -> Manage Plugins the Seraphin Reader appeared. Opening Selafin files still causes a crash though.